Bernd Förtsch

Member of the Supervisory Board

Bernd Förtsch completed his training as a tax clerk at a tax law firm in Kulmbach and then successfully passed the exam to become a state-certified accountant. Bernd Förtsch then worked as head of payroll and financial accounting and later as managing director at a company in the automotive industry.

In 1990, he founded Börsenbuch-Verlag Förtsch KG, which specialized in the distribution of financial publications, in particular books. In 1998, he founded Börsenmedien Aktiengesellschaft in Kulmbach, which is now the leading specialist publisher of financial information in the German-speaking world, including through the acquisition of Münchener Finanzen Verlag GmbH in 2021, with the authorized journals for obligatory announcements "Der Aktionär", "BÖRSE ONLINE", "€uro am Sonntag", the monthly magazine "€uro" and various stock market newsletters.

Bernd Förtsch founded PRE.IPO AG in 1999, the predecessor of today's flatexDEGIRO AG. In 2006, it entered the market with the online broker flatex and has since developed into the European market leader in online brokerage, not least through the IPO in summer 2009, the acquisition of the former cooperation partners XCOM AG and biw Bank für Investments und Wertpapiere AG and the acquisition of the Dutch online broker DEGIRO in 2020. In addition to numerous other supervisory board mandates, Bernd Förtsch has already served for several years on the supervisory board of today's flatexDEGIRO AG and its affiliated companies.

In addition to his chairmanship of the Management Board of Börsenmedien Aktiengesellschaft and his involvement in flatexDEGIRO AG, Bernd Förtsch is also invested in early-stage growth companies through his investment companies BF Holding GmbH and the listed company Heliad AG.

Personal data:
Year of birth: 1962
Resident in: Kulmbach
Nationality: German
Independence: (+)

Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG
First Appointment: 04.06.2024
Currently elected until: Annual General Meeting 2025

Current activity:
Chairman of the Management Board of Börsenmedien Aktiengesellschaft, Kulmbach

Professional background:

  • Since 1998 Member of the Management Board of Börsenmedien Aktiengesellschaft, Kulmbach
  • 2021 until 2022 Managing Director of Finanzen Verlag GmbH, Munich
  • 1997 until 2024 Managing Director of GfBk Gesellschaft für Börsenkommunikation mbH, Kulmbach
  • 1997 until 2024 Managing Director of Werbefritz! GmbH, Kulmbach
  • 2003 until 2024 Managing Director of BF Holding GmbH, Kulmbach
  • 2011 until 2024 Managing Director of Applab GmbH, Kulmbach
  • 2011 until 2024 Managing Director of BFF Holding GmbH, Kulmbach
  • 2016 until 2024 Managing Director of Aktionär TV GmbH, Kulmbach

Professional training:

  • 1978 to 1981 Apprenticeship as assistant tax consultant
  • 1985 to 1986 Further training as a state-certified accountant

Current Group Mandates:
Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2024

Further Mandates in statutory Supervisory Boards:

Memberships in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises:

Download CV Bernd Förtsch
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