
Conserving resources, using energy as efficiently as possible and using resources sparingly are important components of our economic success and our social responsibility.
Energy and Emissions
We are continuously working to reduce energy consumption and cut emissions at all our sites. To achieve this, we invest in new technologies, continuously review and optimize our IT infrastructure, and implement smart building technology.
We also aligned our supply chain with sustainability standards and engage in intensive dialog with our most important suppliers.
We disclose our emissions data and strive to reduce the emissions each year through innovative technologies and other measures as we strive towards a sustainable future and our decarbonization goals. For 2021, our Scope 1 emission was 277,4 tons. The value for Scope 2 emission was 888,2 tons for the same year. We are still collecting the data for Scope 3, and this will be disclosed subsequently.
Mobility Strategy
On the way to climate-friendly mobility, we limit business travel to a necessary minimum and invest in technologies for virtual collaboration.
For a smooth digital exchange, all our locations have professional video conferencing technology. Modern conferencing software allows our employees to work on the move and from home, thus reducing the strain on our employees and the environment caused by traveling to work every day.
As a matter of principle, we are happy to forego domestic flights. We are constantly pushing ahead with measures to promote e-mobility.
Other Consumption
For flatexDEGIRO, as a leading online broker, taking advantage of all the opportunities offered by digitization is an integral part of everything we do. inseparable part of our. Working in a "paperless office" is a matter of course for our employees. For the dispatch of necessary letters, parcels and mailings, we are examining CO2-neutral alternatives.
On the part of our customers, we also contribute to resource conservation and paper avoidance through the use of modern technology and ongoing digitization of processes.
The thoughtful handling of discarded electronics and electrical equipment is a matter of course for us as an IT company.