
At flatexDEGIRO, compliance is a central component of our corporate culture. Compliance with laws, regulations, norms and standards as well as our internal principles and values are inextricably linked to our day-to-day business.
We are convinced that responsible action by each individual employee is the basis for lasting success. For us, this means not only complying with the law, but also aligning our own actions with shared values.
flatexDEGIRO ensures through a group-wide organization that preventive measures guarantee compliance with laws and regulations. To this end, flatexDEGIRO has implemented internal control and risk management systems and established a Compliance Office, which reports directly to the Management Board. The area of responsibility and activity of the Compliance Office, which is headed by the Compliance Officer, extends to all companies of the Group.
There are clear guidelines for the Compliance Officer and the employees of the Compliance Office, which define in particular the reporting lines and the main areas of responsibility. The core area of standards to be complied with includes the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz), the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz) and the ordinances based on them. In addition, there are regulations issued by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), in particular the minimum requirements for the compliance function and for risk management. In addition, European regulations and pronouncements of the European supervisory authority must be observed.
Our compliance program is regularly updated to take account of new requirements resulting, for example, from changes in legislation. Significant new legal regulations are identified on an ongoing basis, taking into account a risk assessment. A review is carried out by the Compliance Office at regular intervals. This is followed by a materiality analysis, a compliance risk assessment and implementation of the requirement.
The Compliance Office reports regularly to the Management Board and annually to the Supervisory Board on the current status of the compliance management system and relevant issues.
Code of Conduct
flatexDEGIRO operates in business areas where success depends significantly on the trust of customers and stakeholders. The Code of Conduct forms the basis for maintaining and expanding this trust in our daily work. As a central compliance element, it conveys values and principles to employees that apply to the entire business activities of flatexDEGIRO. In particular, it includes requirements in the following areas:
- Quality
- Customer orientation
- Compliance
- Anti-Corruption
- Anti-Money Laundering
- Diversity and human rights
- Corporate facitilies, infrastructure, environment and safety
Training and Consulting
At flatexDEGIRO, central principles of action and processes are bindingly regulated. Our goal is to prevent compliance violations befroe they happen. We expect our employees to act in a legally compliant manner at all times, which means that they strictly follow both external and internal rules and laws.
A core task of the Compliance Office is therefore to train and advise employees and managers on the relevant compliance issues. Regular training sessions are held to familiarize all employees and managers with the fundamental issues, legal changes and procedures in the event of suspicious cases.
Whistleblower system
The compliance and money laundering policies require all employees of the Group to behave ethically and in compliance with the law. To avoid compliance violations, all employees are encouraged to contact their managers or the Compliance Office with questions and in the event of conflicts of interest.
In addition, flatexDEGIRO has implemented a whistleblower system as an early warning system for identifying and combating grievances. It is thus the basis for successful risk management. Employees who wish to report any kind of irregularities as whistleblowers can contact the Compliance Office or directly the Money Laundering Officer or his deputy.
Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering
flatexDEGIRO fully supports national and international activities to prevent bribery, corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing and complies with all laws to combat them.
Behavior that violates the rules is contrary to flatexDEGIRO's social responsibility and damages our trustworthiness and reputation. For this reason, flatexDEGIRO takes a variety of measures to ensure that all business processes are carried out transparently and with integrity. flatexDEGIRO has implemented a comprehensive risk and compliance management system and has integrated requirements for all employees into its compliance policy, as well as adopting its own policy on the prevention of money laundering, terrorist financing and other criminal acts.
We conduct regular training and monitor and document the acceptance and granting of gifts and invitations. Customers and ongoing transactions are reviewed as part of the anti-money laundering program.
Our strategies to prevent corruption and money laundering are continuously reviewed to ensure that the best possible practices are applied at flatexDEGIRO. The overriding goal is to ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and standards at all times.
Matthias Schmidt
Head of Compliance, AML & Fraud Prevention
+49 (0) 69 450001 4370