
Management Board of flatexDEGIRO AG
Oliver Behrens
Dr. Benon Janos
Deputy CEO & CFO Short-CV
Before joining flatexDEGIRO in 2016, Dr Benon Janos acquired extensive securities expertise during his almost 15 years at Goldman Sachs. As Managing Director, he was responsible for the German and Austrian securities business. In 2012, Dr Benon Janos successfully passed the stock exchange trader examination in accordance with Section 4 of the Admission Regulations for Stock Exchange Traders at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
He has held the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of flatexDEGIRO AG since 2023 and the position as Deputy CEO since October 2024. From May to September 2024, Dr Benon Janos has additionally been interim Co-CEO of flatexDEGIRO AG and flatexDEGIRO Bank AG. He acquired his broad corporate knowledge as Head of B2C End Customer Business with responsibility for European internationalisation strategy (2018-2020) and as Head of Business Customers and IT (2016-2017).
Dr Benon Janos studied mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen University and holds a doctorate in materials engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) in Boston, USA. At the same time, he holds a Master of Technology & Policy degree in business administration.
Personal data
Year of birth: 1972
Resident in: Hofheim am Taunus
Nationality: GermanAppointed until: 05/2029
Current activity
- flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
Since 10/2023 Deputy CEO & CFO, Member of the Executive Board
From 05/2024 to 09/2024 Co-CEO (interim) & CFO
Since 01/2023 CFO, Member of the Executive Board
Head of the Finance, Risk, ESG, Data Office departments - flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main
Since 05/2021 CFO, Member of the Executive Board and additionally Deputy CEO since 10/2024
Head of the Finance, Accounting, Controlling and Bank Organisation departments - Ditandus GmbH, Hofheim am Taunus
Managing Director
Professional background
- flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
2020 - 2022 Chief Representative and
Head of Finance and official deputy of the Chief Financial Officer
2018 - 2020 Head of B2C end customer business with responsibility for European internationalisation strategy
2016 - 2017 Head of Business Clients and IT - flatexDEGIRO Bank AG
2017 - 2021 Managing Director, Chief Representative - cryptoport GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
2021 - 2022 Managing Director - flatex Finanz GmbH , Frankfurt am Main
2021 - 2022 Managing Director - b2clear GmbH, Willich
2016 - 2017 Managing Director - finotek GmbH, Willich
2016 - 2019 Managing Director - flatex GmbH
2016 - 2018 Managing Director - ViTrade GmbH, Willich
2016 - 2017 Managing Director - XCOM AG, Willich
2016 - 2017 Spokesman of the Executive Board - Alpha Centauri Finanz-Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg
2015 pro bono consulting mandate - Goldman Sachs International, Frankfurt am Main branch office
2011 - 2014 Managing Director, Securities Department and authorised signatory
2004 - 2010 Executive Director, Securities Department
Head of Equity Sales for Germany & Austria (from 2008) - Goldman, Sachs & Co. Wertpapier GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
2012 - 2014 Managing Director - Goldman, Sachs & Co. oHG, Frankfurt am Main
2001 - 2004 Associate, Equities Department
- 1997 - 2001 Obtained a doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D.) in materials engineering at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in Cambridge, Mass. "Department of Materials Science and Engineering in Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- 1998 - 2000 Master of Science degree in "Technology and Policy" at Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- 1991 - 1997 Studied mechanical engineering in Aachen, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH), graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering specialising in materials technology
- Supervisory board and advisory board mandates
06/2017-07/2020 nordIX AG, Hamburg
11/2017-12/2019 BÖAG Börsen AG, Hanover
05/2016-04/2017 flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Willich - 2005 - 2014 Financial Regulation Examination of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), CF30 Customer Function (2007-2014) and CF21 Investment Adviser (2005 - 2007)
- 2002 - 2014 General Securities Representative Exam, "Finra Series 7" registration (New York Stock
Exchange, Inc.), New York, USA - 2012 Completion of Exchange Trader Examination according to §4 of the Admission Regulations for Exchange Traders at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Deutsche Börse AG)
- flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
Stephan Simmang
CTO Short-CV
Seit seinem Start bei flatexDEGIRO im Jahr 2016 ist Stephan Simmang für die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der hausinternen IT-Plattform und die Einführung von branchenführenden technologischen Innovationen verantwortlich. Seit 2021 als Bereichsvorstand der flatexDEGIRO AG. Seit Januar 2023 ist Stephan Simmang als Chief Technology Officer (CTO) im Vorstand der flatexDEGIRO AG. Von Mai bis September 2024 war er zusätzlich interim Co-CEO der flatexDEGIRO AG sowie der flatexDEGIRO Bank AG.
Zuvor war Stephan Simmang von 1997 bis 2016 in verschiedenen Führungspositionen bei Goldman Sachs tätig. Er war verantwortlich für die IT-Infrastruktur in Kontinentaleuropa sowie die Entwicklung von internationalen IT-Standards zusammen mit seinem international aufgestelltem Team.
Stephan Simmang hat ein Studium der Elektrotechnik an der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen absolviert. Seit 2018 ist er als Dozent an der Frankfurt School of Finance tätig.
Persönliche Daten
Jahrgang: 1966
Wohnhaft in: Bendorf
Nationalität: DeutschBestellt bis: 05/2029
Aktuelle Tätigkeit
- flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
Von 05/2024 bis 09/2024 Co-CEO (interim) & CTO - flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
Seit 06/2016 Chief Technology Offices (CTO)/ Managing Director - flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main
Seit 01/2023 Chief Technology Offices (CTO) - flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main
Seit 09/2018 General Manager
Beruflicher Werdegang
- Goldman Sachs, Frankfurt am Main von 1997 bis 2016
1997 - 2001 Verantwortlich für das Frankfurter NT-Umfeld, NT SA
2001 - 2011 Leiter Banking Divisional Services Frankfurt
2005 - 2007 Leiter des Change-Management Prozesses
für den Bereich Banking Divisional Services in GS weltweit
2008 - 2010 Verantwortlichkeit für den Bereich Sarbanes-Oxley Zertifizierung für Dokumenten-Management-Umgebung
2011/2016 Leitung eines globalen Teams, das für die gesamte Dokumentenmanagementumgebung bei GS verantwortlich
2011 - 2014 Technology-Infrastruktur Account Manager für das Investment Banking Geschäft in EMEA
- 1989 – 1996 Studium an der Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, Aachen, Abschluss: Dipl.-Ing der Elektrotechnik
- Seit 2018 Jährliche Vorlesung an der “Frankfurt School of Finance”
- Seit 2021 Dozent an der “Frankfurt School of Finance”
- flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
Christiane Strubel
Chief HR Officer Short-CV
Christiane Strubel leitet seit 2016 den Bereich Personal bei flatexDEGIRO, zunächst als Executive Director und später als Managing Director. Im Januar 2024 wurde Christiane Strubel in den Vorstand der flatexDEGIRO AG als Chief HR Officer der Unternehmensgruppe berufen. Neben ihrer konzernweiten Personalverantwortung ist sie ebenfalls zuständig für das Thema Datenschutz und das Berechtigungsmanagement.
Vor ihrem Eintritt bei flatexDEGIRO war Christiane Strubel in leitenden Positionen bei der Razorfish GmbH (ein Unternehmen der Publicis-Gruppe) und Carlson Wagonlit Travel tätig und sammelte dort internationale Erfahrungen in allen Bereichen des Personalwesens.
Christiane Strubel hat Rechtswissenschaften an den Universitäten Heidelberg und Mannheim studiert und ist seit 2008 als Rechtsanwältin zugelassen.
Persönliche Daten
Jahrgang: 1979
Wohnhaft in: Birkenau
Nationalität: DeutschBestellt bis: 12/2026
Aktuelle Tätigkeit
- flatexDEGIRO AG
Seit 01/2024 Vorstand - flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main
Seit 07/2022 Generalbevollmächtigte - flatexDEGIRO Gruppe, Frankfurt am Main
Seit 05/2021 Global Head of Human Resources
Beruflicher Werdegang
- 2017 - 2021 flatexDEGIRO Gruppe
Head of Human Resources - 2016 - 2017 flatexDEGIRO Gruppe
Co-Head Human Resources - 2014 - 2016 Razorfish GmbH
Head of Human Resources - 2011 - 2014 Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Deputy HR Director Deutschland und Österreich - 2009 - 2010 Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Manager Human Resources - 2007 - 2009 Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Mitarbeiter Human Resources
- 1989 - 2001 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Mannheim
- 2001 - 2003 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Heidelberg mit Abschluss des 1. Juristischen Staatsexamens
- 2004 - 2006 Rechtsreferendariat am Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart
- 2005 Abschluss 2. Juristisches Staatsexamen
- 2008 Zulassung zur Rechtsanwältin
- 02/2023 - 11/2023 Geschäftsführung flatex Finanz GmbH
- flatexDEGIRO AG
Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG
Martin Korbmacher
Chairman of the Supervisory Board Short-CV
After completing his studies in mathematics, physics and computer science, Martin Korbmacher began his career in 1991 at JP Morgan, where he was Head of Trading, before moving to Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein in 1997 as Global Head of Fixed Income Trading, where he became Global Head of Equities in 2000.
In 2005, Martin Korbmacher took over as Head of the Investment Banking Division of Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited for Germany and Austria and played a key role in the successful expansion of these activities.
In 2011, he founded Event Horizon Capital & Advisory GmbH und has since then advised several companies in the areas of corporate finance, takeovers and innovation. Martin Korbmacher has also been Managing Director of arsago ACM GmbH since 2014 and Managing Director of its wholly owned subsidiary, arsago Ventures GmbH, since 2022.
Martin Korbmacher is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG since 2014 and also of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG since 2017.
Personal data
Year of birth: 1965
Resident in: Frankfurt/Main
Nationality: German
Independence: (+)Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG (Chairman)
First Appointment: October 30, 2014
Currently elected until: Annual General Meeting 2025
Committees of the Supervisory Board: Nomination Committee (Chairman), Remuneration Control Committee (Chairman), Joint Risk and Audit CommitteeCurrent activity
- Event Horizon Capital & Advisory GmbH – Managing Director (since 2011)
- arsago ACM GmbH – Managing Director (since 2014)
- arsago Ventures GmbH – Managing Director (since 2022)
Professional background
- 2005–2011 Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Frankfurt/Main, Branch Manager / Head of Investment Banking Division Germany and Austria / Managing Director
- 1997–2004 Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, Frankfurt/Main, London, Member of the Executive Committee, Global Head of Equities, Global Head of Fixed Income Trading
- 1991–1996 JP Morgan, Frankfurt/Main, Head of Fixed Income Trading
Professional training
- 1984–1991 Studies of mathematics, physics und computer science in Bielefeld, graduation as mathematician
(Diplom Mathematiker)
Current Group Mandates
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main (listed on the regulated market)
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2017 (not listed)
Further Mandates in statutory Supervisory Boards
NoneMembership in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises
None -
Stefan Müller
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board Short-CV
Stefan Müller started his banking career in 1985 at Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank (today: UniCredit Bank AG operating under its HVB/HypovereinsBank brand) and passed through various functions, including, inter alia, the securities and private banking business.
In 2002, he joined the former flatex Holding AG and became Member of the Management Board until 2014.
Today he is Head of Finance and General Representative of Börsenmedien AG, one of the leading financial media companies in Germany. Furthermore, he is General Representative of BF Holding GmbH, General Representative of GfBk Gesellschaft für Börsenkommu¬nikation mbH and Managing Director of Panthera AM GmbH.
Stefan is Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG and a Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG.
Personal data
Year of birth: 1969
Resident in: Küps
Nationality: German
Independence: (+)Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG (Deputy Chairman)
First Appointment: February 23, 2017 (judicial), initially elected on July 15, 2017
Currently elected until: Annual General Meeting 2025
Committees of the Supervisory Board: Nomination CommitteeCurrent activity
- Börsenmedien AG, Kulmbach – Head of Finance, General Representative
- BF Holding GmbH, Kulmbach – General Representative
- GfBk Gesellschaft für Börsenkommunikation mbH, Kulmbach – General Representative
- Panthera AM GmbH, Kulmbach – Managing Director
Professional background
- since 2016 Börsenmedien AG, Kulmbach – General Representative
- 2002–2016 flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main,
(former United Capital Management AG, flatex AG, flatex Holding AG, FinTech Group AG) – Member of the Management Board, Authorised Signatory, General Representative - 1985–2002 Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG, München – various positions
Professional training
- 1996–1997 Management studies at Bankakademie, Nuremberg
- 1994–1995 Banking economist studies in Bayreuth
- 1991–1993 Banking specialist studies in Bayreuth
Current Group mandates
- Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main (listed on the regulated market)
- Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2015 (not listed)
Further Mandates in statutory Supervisory Boards:
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Heliad AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2023 (traded on the open market)
Membership in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises:
None -
Bernd Förtsch
Member of the Supervisory Board Short-CV
Bernd Förtsch completed his training as a tax clerk at a tax law firm in Kulmbach and then successfully passed the exam to become a state-certified accountant. Bernd Förtsch then worked as head of payroll and financial accounting and later as managing director at a company in the automotive industry.
In 1990, he founded Börsenbuch-Verlag Förtsch KG, which specialized in the distribution of financial publications, in particular books. In 1998, he founded Börsenmedien Aktiengesellschaft in Kulmbach, which is now the leading specialist publisher of financial information in the German-speaking world, including through the acquisition of Münchener Finanzen Verlag GmbH in 2021, with the authorized journals for obligatory announcements "Der Aktionär", "BÖRSE ONLINE", "€uro am Sonntag", the monthly magazine "€uro" and various stock market newsletters.
Bernd Förtsch founded PRE.IPO AG in 1999, the predecessor of today's flatexDEGIRO AG. In 2006, it entered the market with the online broker flatex and has since developed into the European market leader in online brokerage, not least through the IPO in summer 2009, the acquisition of the former cooperation partners XCOM AG and biw Bank für Investments und Wertpapiere AG and the acquisition of the Dutch online broker DEGIRO in 2020. In addition to numerous other supervisory board mandates, Bernd Förtsch has already served for several years on the supervisory board of today's flatexDEGIRO AG and its affiliated companies.
In addition to his chairmanship of the Management Board of Börsenmedien Aktiengesellschaft and his involvement in flatexDEGIRO AG, Bernd Förtsch is also invested in early-stage growth companies through his investment companies BF Holding GmbH and the listed company Heliad AG.
Personal data:
Year of birth: 1962
Resident in: Kulmbach
Nationality: German
Independence: (+)Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG
First Appointment: 04.06.2024
Currently elected until: Annual General Meeting 2025Current activity:
Chairman of the Management Board of Börsenmedien Aktiengesellschaft, KulmbachProfessional background:
- Since 1998 Member of the Management Board of Börsenmedien Aktiengesellschaft, Kulmbach
- 2021 until 2022 Managing Director of Finanzen Verlag GmbH, Munich
- 1997 until 2024 Managing Director of GfBk Gesellschaft für Börsenkommunikation mbH, Kulmbach
- 1997 until 2024 Managing Director of Werbefritz! GmbH, Kulmbach
- 2003 until 2024 Managing Director of BF Holding GmbH, Kulmbach
- 2011 until 2024 Managing Director of Applab GmbH, Kulmbach
- 2011 until 2024 Managing Director of BFF Holding GmbH, Kulmbach
- 2016 until 2024 Managing Director of Aktionär TV GmbH, Kulmbach
Professional training:
- 1978 to 1981 Apprenticeship as assistant tax consultant
- 1985 to 1986 Further training as a state-certified accountant
Current Group Mandates:
Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2024Further Mandates in statutory Supervisory Boards:
NoneMemberships in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises:
None -
Britta Lehfeldt
Member of the Supervisory Board Short-CV
After two apprenticeships and a degree in economics at the University of Gießen, Ms Lehfeldt first worked in her parents' business before starting her career at Deutsche Bank AG. She started in the Finance division and after about two years moved to the Private Clients division, where she supported the project to spin off Deutsche Bank 24 AG. In her career at Deutsche Bank (Deutsche Bank 24 AG, DB Privat- und Geschäftskunden AG, DB Privat- und Firmenkunden AG), Britta Lehfeldt passed through several stations as employee, team leader, division manager, managing director of several subsidiaries and finally as board member. In terms of content, she was initially in charge of operational units. In her function as a member of the Management Board of DB Privat- und Firmenkundenbank AG, Ms Lehfeldt was responsible for all human resources issues, including relations with the social partners and collective bargaining agreements. In addition, she was responsible for legal affairs, compliance, money laundering and outsourcing and crisis management. In her last station at Deutsche Bank AG, she was responsible for all commercial and procedural matters of the IT business area as COO from January 2020. In mid-2021, Ms Britta Lehfeldt amicably left Deutsche Bank AG after more than 20 years with the Group.
During her career at Deutsche Bank AG, Ms Britta Lehfeldt also held various mandates in supervisory and advisory boards.
Personal data
Year of birth: 1965
Resident in: Frankfurt/Main
Nationality: German
Independence: (+)Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG
First Appointment: June 13, 2023
Currently elected until: Annual General Meeting 2025
Committees of the Supervisory Board: Member of the Joint Risk and Audit CommitteeCurrent activity
Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG and
Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AGProfessional background
- 2020 - 2021 DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - Global Chief Operating Officer of the Technology, Data and Innovation Division
- 2018 (from May) - 2019 DB Privat- und Firmenkundenbank AG - Member of the Management Board, responsible for Human Resources, Legal, AFC/AML, Compliance and Security and Governance Office
- 2018 (Jan - April) Deutsche Bank Privat- und Geschäftskunden Aktiengesellschaft - Member of the Management Board, responsible for IT, Operations, Human Resources and Chief Production Office
- 2017 - 2018 Responsible member of the project management for the merger of Deutsche Bank Privat- und Geschäftskunden Aktiengesellschaft and Postbank to DB Privat- und Firmenkundenbank AG
- 2016 - 2017 DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - Chief Administration Officer PCC (Private and Commercial Clients) and PBC Banking Services GmbH - Member of the Management Board and DB Privat- und Geschäftskunden AG
- 2015 - 2016 DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - Chief Operating Officer and Chief Administration Officer PBC Banking Services and PBC Banking Services GmbH - Member of the Executive Board, responsible for the joint and central management of all units of PBC Banking Services (including the Postbank units) as well as for the global crisis management and vendor risk management of PBC Banking Services
- 2012 - 2015 DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - Chief Production Officer PBC Banking Services, responsible for performance and quality management for all PBC Banking Services units (including all service units of Postbank) as well as for global crisis management and vendor risk management of the PBC Banking Services division.
- 2010 - 2012 DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - Chief Production Officer (promoted to Managing Director in 2011) PBC Services, responsible for Central Process Management, Quality Management and the overall production management of all service units of PBC Services.
- 2008 - 2010 KEBA Gesellschaft für interne Services mbH (a subsidiary of DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT) - Member of the Management Board, responsible for Business Management, Process Management and IT Management
- 2005 - 2008 DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - Support for various international projects in the field of retail banking (India, Turkey)
- 1997 - 2005 Deutsche Bank 24 Aktiengesellschaft - various positions in Finance and Retail Banking
Professional training
- 1995 Graduation in economics with a degree in business administration
- 1988 Completion of apprenticeship as industrial clerk
- 1986 Completion of apprenticeship as equestrian
Current Group Mandates
- Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2023 (listed on the regulated market)
- Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2023 (not listed)
Further Mandates in statutory Supervisory Boards
NoneMembership in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises
None -
Aygül Özkan
Member of the Supervisory Board Short-CV
After completing her law studies in Hamburg in 1995 and her legal clerkship in Lower Saxony with the second state examination at the end of 1997, Ms Özkan held various management positions at Deutsche Telekom AG from 1998 to 2005.
From 2005 to 2010, she was the branch manager for northern Germany for TNT Post Regioservice GmbH and set up a new unit (TNT-Post Hamburg branch) for the Dutch company in a competitive market.
In the years 2014 to 2020, she was a member of Management Group Germany und Managing Director of PCC Services GmbH der Deutschen Bank (previously trading as: DB Kredit Service GmbH). Previously, Aygül Özkan was Minister for Social Affairs, Women, Family, Health, Construction and Integration in Lower Saxony (2010-2013) and a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament in 2014.
Aygül Özkan is currently Managing Director of Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss (ZIA) e.V. and represents the leading association of the real estate industry in a wide range of political and business-oriented bodies.
Since 2022, Aygül Ökzan is a Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG (listed on the regulated market) as well as a Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG (not listed), since 2023 as Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG.
Ms Özkan also continues to practice as a licensed attorney.
Personal data
Year of birth: 1971
Resident in: Hamburg
Nationality: German
Independence: (+)Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG
First Appointment: May 24, 2022
Currently elected until: Annual General Meeting 2025
Committees of the Supervisory Board: Nomination Committee, Remuneration Control CommitteeCurrent activity
Lawyer and Managing Director Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss (ZIA) e.V.Professional background
- since 2020 Managing Director Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss (ZIA) e.V.
- 2014 – 2020 Deutsche Bank Kredit Service GmbH (from 2016 trading as: PCC Services GmbH der Deutschen Bank) – Managing Director / Member of Management Group Germany
- 2014 Member of the Lower Saxony State Parliament
- 2010 - 2013 Minister for Social Affairs, Women, Family, Health, Construction and Integration in Lower Saxony
- 2008 - 2010 Member of the Hamburg Parliament / Chairwoman of the Economic Committee
- 2005 – 2010 TNT Post Regioservice GmbH, Hamburg branch office – Branch Manager
- 2004 – 2005 Deutsche Telekom AG – Head of Business Customer Sales
- 1998 – 2003 Deutsche Telekom AG – from 1999 Key Account Manager, Regulation/Wholesale Division
Professional training
- 1997 Second state law examination
- 1995 Completion of law studies at the University of Hamburg with the first state law examination
Current Group Mandates
- Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2022 (listed on the regulated market)
- Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG (Member since 2022, Deputy Chairwoman since 2023) (not listed)
Further Mandates in statutory Supervisory Boards
NoneMembership in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises
- Member of the Advisory Board of the private bank Donner & Reuschel Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg (not listed)
- Member of the Advisory Board of ERIC Group GmbH, Berlin
Personal Commitment
- Member of the Board of Trustees of Konrad Adenauer Foundation
- Member of the Board of Economic Council of CDU, Hamburg Regional Association
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Lebendige Stadt Foundation
- Member of the Board of Trustees of „Haus Rissen“, Institute for International Politics and Economics
- Member of the Board of the “Hamburger Stiftung für Migranten” Foundation
Management Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG
Oliver Behrens
Dr. Benon Janos
Deputy CEO & CFO Short-CV
Before joining flatexDEGIRO in 2016, Dr Benon Janos acquired extensive securities expertise during his almost 15 years at Goldman Sachs. As Managing Director, he was responsible for the German and Austrian securities business. In 2012, Dr Benon Janos successfully passed the stock exchange trader examination in accordance with Section 4 of the Admission Regulations for Stock Exchange Traders at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
He has held the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of flatexDEGIRO AG since 2023 and the position as Deputy CEO since October 2024. From May to September 2024, Dr Benon Janos has additionally been interim Co-CEO of flatexDEGIRO AG and flatexDEGIRO Bank AG. He acquired his broad corporate knowledge as Head of B2C End Customer Business with responsibility for European internationalisation strategy (2018-2020) and as Head of Business Customers and IT (2016-2017).
Dr Benon Janos studied mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen University and holds a doctorate in materials engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) in Boston, USA. At the same time, he holds a Master of Technology & Policy degree in business administration.
Personal data
Year of birth: 1972
Resident in: Hofheim am Taunus
Nationality: GermanAppointed until: 05/2029
Current activity
- flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
Since 10/2024 Deputy CEO & CFO
From 05/2024 to 09/2024 Co-CEO (interim) & CFO
Since 01/2023 CFO, Member of the Executive Board
Head of the Finance, Risk, ESG, Data Office departments - flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main
Since 05/2021 CFO, Member of the Executive Board and additionally Deputy CEO since 10/2024
Head of the Finance, Accounting, Controlling and Bank Organisation departments - Ditandus GmbH, Hofheim am Taunus
Managing Director
Professional background
- flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
2020 - 2022 Chief Representative and
Head of Finance and official deputy of the Chief Financial Officer
2018 - 2020 Head of B2C end customer business with responsibility for European internationalisation strategy
2016 - 2017 Head of Business Clients and IT - flatexDEGIRO Bank AG
2017 - 2021 Managing Director, Chief Representative - cryptoport GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
2021 - 2022 Managing Director - flatex Finanz GmbH , Frankfurt am Main
2021 - 2022 Managing Director - b2clear GmbH, Willich
2016 - 2017 Managing Director - finotek GmbH, Willich
2016 - 2019 Managing Director - flatex GmbH
2016 - 2018 Managing Director - ViTrade GmbH, Willich
2016 - 2017 Managing Director - XCOM AG, Willich
2016 - 2017 Spokesman of the Executive Board - Alpha Centauri Finanz-Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg
2015 pro bono consulting mandate - Goldman Sachs International, Frankfurt am Main branch office
2011 - 2014 Managing Director, Securities Department and authorised signatory
2004 - 2010 Executive Director, Securities Department
Head of Equity Sales for Germany & Austria (from 2008) - Goldman, Sachs & Co. Wertpapier GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
2012 - 2014 Managing Director - Goldman, Sachs & Co. oHG, Frankfurt am Main
2001 - 2004 Associate, Equities Department
- 1997 - 2001 Obtained a doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D.) in materials engineering at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in Cambridge, Mass. "Department of Materials Science and Engineering in Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- 1998 - 2000 Master of Science degree in "Technology and Policy" at Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- 1991 - 1997 Studied mechanical engineering in Aachen, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH), graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering specialising in materials technology
- Supervisory board and advisory board mandates
06/2017-07/2020 nordIX AG, Hamburg
11/2017-12/2019 BÖAG Börsen AG, Hanover
05/2016-04/2017 flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Willich - 2005 - 2014 Financial Regulation Examination of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), CF30 Customer Function (2007-2014) and CF21 Investment Adviser (2005 - 2007)
- 2002 - 2014 General Securities Representative Exam, "Finra Series 7" registration (New York Stock
Exchange, Inc.), New York, USA - 2012 Completion of Exchange Trader Examination according to §4 of the Admission Regulations for Exchange Traders at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Deutsche Börse AG)
- flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
Stephan Simmang
CTO Short-CV
Seit seinem Start bei flatexDEGIRO im Jahr 2016 ist Stephan Simmang für die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der hausinternen IT-Plattform und die Einführung von branchenführenden technologischen Innovationen verantwortlich. Seit 2021 als Bereichsvorstand der flatexDEGIRO AG. Seit Januar 2023 ist Stephan Simmang als Chief Technology Officer (CTO) im Vorstand der flatexDEGIRO AG. Von Mai bis September 2024 war er zusätzlich interim Co-CEO der flatexDEGIRO AG sowie der flatexDEGIRO Bank AG.
Zuvor war Stephan Simmang von 1997 bis 2016 in verschiedenen Führungspositionen bei Goldman Sachs tätig. Er war verantwortlich für die IT-Infrastruktur in Kontinentaleuropa sowie die Entwicklung von internationalen IT-Standards zusammen mit seinem international aufgestelltem Team.
Stephan Simmang hat ein Studium der Elektrotechnik an der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen absolviert. Seit 2018 ist er als Dozent an der Frankfurt School of Finance tätig.
Persönliche Daten
Jahrgang: 1966
Wohnhaft in: Bendorf
Nationalität: DeutschBestellt bis: 05/2029
Aktuelle Tätigkeit
- flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
Von 05/2024 bis 09/2024 Co-CEO (interim) & CTO - flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
Seit 06/2016 Chief Technology Offices (CTO)/ Managing Director - flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main
Seit 01/2023 Chief Technology Offices (CTO) - flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main
Seit 09/2018 General Manager
Beruflicher Werdegang
- Goldman Sachs, Frankfurt am Main von 1997 bis 2016
1997 - 2001 Verantwortlich für das Frankfurter NT-Umfeld, NT SA
2001 - 2011 Leiter Banking Divisional Services Frankfurt
2005 - 2007 Leiter des Change-Management Prozesses
für den Bereich Banking Divisional Services in GS weltweit
2008 - 2010 Verantwortlichkeit für den Bereich Sarbanes-Oxley Zertifizierung für Dokumenten-Management-Umgebung
2011/2016 Leitung eines globalen Teams, das für die gesamte Dokumentenmanagementumgebung bei GS verantwortlich
2011 - 2014 Technology-Infrastruktur Account Manager für das Investment Banking Geschäft in EMEA
- 1989 – 1996 Studium an der Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, Aachen, Abschluss: Dipl.-Ing der Elektrotechnik
- Seit 2018 Jährliche Vorlesung an der “Frankfurt School of Finance”
- Seit 2021 Dozent an der “Frankfurt School of Finance”
- flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt am Main
Dr. Matthias Heinrich
Chief Risk Officer
Steffen Jentsch
Chief Process Officer
Jens Möbitz
Chief Operating Officer
Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG
Martin Korbmacher
Chairman of the Supervisory Board Short-CV
After completing his studies in mathematics, physics and computer science, Martin Korbmacher began his career in 1991 at JP Morgan, where he was Head of Trading, before moving to Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein in 1997 as Global Head of Fixed Income Trading, where he became Global Head of Equities in 2000.
In 2005, Martin Korbmacher took over as Head of the Investment Banking Division of Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited for Germany and Austria and played a key role in the successful expansion of these activities.
In 2011, he founded Event Horizon Capital & Advisory GmbH und has since then advised several companies in the areas of corporate finance, takeovers and innovation. Martin Korbmacher has also been Managing Director of arsago ACM GmbH since 2014 and Managing Director of its wholly owned subsidiary, arsago Ventures GmbH, since 2022.
Martin Korbmacher is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG since 2014 and also of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG since 2017.
Personal data
Year of birth: 1965
Resident in: Frankfurt/Main
Nationality: German
Independence: (+)Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG (Chairman)
First Appointment: October 30, 2014
Currently elected until: Annual General Meeting 2025
Committees of the Supervisory Board: Nomination Committee (Chairman), Remuneration Control Committee (Chairman), Joint Risk and Audit CommitteeCurrent activity
- Event Horizon Capital & Advisory GmbH – Managing Director (since 2011)
- arsago ACM GmbH – Managing Director (since 2014)
- arsago Ventures GmbH – Managing Director (since 2022)
Professional background
- 2005–2011 Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Frankfurt/Main, Branch Manager / Head of Investment Banking Division Germany and Austria / Managing Director
- 1997–2004 Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, Frankfurt/Main, London, Member of the Executive Committee, Global Head of Equities, Global Head of Fixed Income Trading
- 1991–1996 JP Morgan, Frankfurt/Main, Head of Fixed Income Trading
Professional training
- 1984–1991 Studies of mathematics, physics und computer science in Bielefeld, graduation as mathematician
(Diplom Mathematiker)
Current Group Mandates
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main (listed on the regulated market)
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2017 (not listed)
Further Mandates in statutory Supervisory Boards
NoneMembership in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises
None -
Stefan Müller
Member of the Supervisory Board Short-CV
Stefan Müller started his banking career in 1985 at Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank (today: UniCredit Bank AG operating under its HVB/HypovereinsBank brand) and passed through various functions, including, inter alia, the securities and private banking business.
In 2002, he joined the former flatex Holding AG and became Member of the Management Board until 2014.
Today he is Head of Finance and General Representative of Börsenmedien AG, one of the leading financial media companies in Germany. Furthermore, he is General Representative of BF Holding GmbH, General Representative of GfBk Gesellschaft für Börsenkommu¬nikation mbH and Managing Director of Panthera AM GmbH.
Stefan is Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG and a Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG.
Personal data
Year of birth: 1969
Resident in: Küps
Nationality: German
Independence: (+)Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG (Deputy Chairman)
First Appointment: February 23, 2017 (judicial), initially elected on July 15, 2017
Currently elected until: Annual General Meeting 2025
Committees of the Supervisory Board: Nomination CommitteeCurrent activity
- Börsenmedien AG, Kulmbach – Head of Finance, General Representative
- BF Holding GmbH, Kulmbach – General Representative
- GfBk Gesellschaft für Börsenkommunikation mbH, Kulmbach – General Representative
- Panthera AM GmbH, Kulmbach – Managing Director
Professional background
- since 2016 Börsenmedien AG, Kulmbach – General Representative
- 2002–2016 flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main,
(former United Capital Management AG, flatex AG, flatex Holding AG, FinTech Group AG) – Member of the Management Board, Authorised Signatory, General Representative - 1985–2002 Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG, München – various positions
Professional training
- 1996–1997 Management studies at Bankakademie, Nuremberg
- 1994–1995 Banking economist studies in Bayreuth
- 1991–1993 Banking specialist studies in Bayreuth
Current Group mandates
- Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main (listed on the regulated market)
- Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2015 (not listed)
Further Mandates in statutory Supervisory Boards:
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Heliad AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2023 (traded on the open market)
Membership in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises:
None -
Bernd Förtsch
Member of the Supervisory Board Short-CV
Bernd Förtsch completed his training as a tax clerk at a tax law firm in Kulmbach and then successfully passed the exam to become a state-certified accountant. Bernd Förtsch then worked as head of payroll and financial accounting and later as managing director at a company in the automotive industry.
In 1990, he founded Börsenbuch-Verlag Förtsch KG, which specialized in the distribution of financial publications, in particular books. In 1998, he founded Börsenmedien Aktiengesellschaft in Kulmbach, which is now the leading specialist publisher of financial information in the German-speaking world, including through the acquisition of Münchener Finanzen Verlag GmbH in 2021, with the authorized journals for obligatory announcements "Der Aktionär", "BÖRSE ONLINE", "€uro am Sonntag", the monthly magazine "€uro" and various stock market newsletters.
Bernd Förtsch founded PRE.IPO AG in 1999, the predecessor of today's flatexDEGIRO AG. In 2006, it entered the market with the online broker flatex and has since developed into the European market leader in online brokerage, not least through the IPO in summer 2009, the acquisition of the former cooperation partners XCOM AG and biw Bank für Investments und Wertpapiere AG and the acquisition of the Dutch online broker DEGIRO in 2020. In addition to numerous other supervisory board mandates, Bernd Förtsch has already served for several years on the supervisory board of today's flatexDEGIRO AG and its affiliated companies.
In addition to his chairmanship of the Management Board of Börsenmedien Aktiengesellschaft and his involvement in flatexDEGIRO AG, Bernd Förtsch is also invested in early-stage growth companies through his investment companies BF Holding GmbH and the listed company Heliad AG.
Personal data:
Year of birth: 1962
Resident in: Kulmbach
Nationality: German
Independence: (+)Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG
First Appointment: 04.06.2024
Currently elected until: Annual General Meeting 2025Current activity:
Chairman of the Management Board of Börsenmedien Aktiengesellschaft, KulmbachProfessional background:
- Since 1998 Member of the Management Board of Börsenmedien Aktiengesellschaft, Kulmbach
- 2021 until 2022 Managing Director of Finanzen Verlag GmbH, Munich
- 1997 until 2024 Managing Director of GfBk Gesellschaft für Börsenkommunikation mbH, Kulmbach
- 1997 until 2024 Managing Director of Werbefritz! GmbH, Kulmbach
- 2003 until 2024 Managing Director of BF Holding GmbH, Kulmbach
- 2011 until 2024 Managing Director of Applab GmbH, Kulmbach
- 2011 until 2024 Managing Director of BFF Holding GmbH, Kulmbach
- 2016 until 2024 Managing Director of Aktionär TV GmbH, Kulmbach
Professional training:
- 1978 to 1981 Apprenticeship as assistant tax consultant
- 1985 to 1986 Further training as a state-certified accountant
Current Group Mandates:
Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2024Further Mandates in statutory Supervisory Boards:
NoneMemberships in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises:
None -
Britta Lehfeldt
Member of the Supervisory Board Short-CV
After two apprenticeships and a degree in economics at the University of Gießen, Ms Lehfeldt first worked in her parents' business before starting her career at Deutsche Bank AG. She started in the Finance division and after about two years moved to the Private Clients division, where she supported the project to spin off Deutsche Bank 24 AG. In her career at Deutsche Bank (Deutsche Bank 24 AG, DB Privat- und Geschäftskunden AG, DB Privat- und Firmenkunden AG), Britta Lehfeldt passed through several stations as employee, team leader, division manager, managing director of several subsidiaries and finally as board member. In terms of content, she was initially in charge of operational units. In her function as a member of the Management Board of DB Privat- und Firmenkundenbank AG, Ms Lehfeldt was responsible for all human resources issues, including relations with the social partners and collective bargaining agreements. In addition, she was responsible for legal affairs, compliance, money laundering and outsourcing and crisis management. In her last station at Deutsche Bank AG, she was responsible for all commercial and procedural matters of the IT business area as COO from January 2020. In mid-2021, Ms Britta Lehfeldt amicably left Deutsche Bank AG after more than 20 years with the Group.
During her career at Deutsche Bank AG, Ms Britta Lehfeldt also held various mandates in supervisory and advisory boards.
Personal data
Year of birth: 1965
Resident in: Frankfurt/Main
Nationality: German
Independence: (+)Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG
First Appointment: June 13, 2023
Currently elected until: Annual General Meeting 2025
Committees of the Supervisory Board: Member of the Joint Risk and Audit CommitteeCurrent activity
Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG and
Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AGProfessional background
- 2020 - 2021 DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - Global Chief Operating Officer of the Technology, Data and Innovation Division
- 2018 (from May) - 2019 DB Privat- und Firmenkundenbank AG - Member of the Management Board, responsible for Human Resources, Legal, AFC/AML, Compliance and Security and Governance Office
- 2018 (Jan - April) Deutsche Bank Privat- und Geschäftskunden Aktiengesellschaft - Member of the Management Board, responsible for IT, Operations, Human Resources and Chief Production Office
- 2017 - 2018 Responsible member of the project management for the merger of Deutsche Bank Privat- und Geschäftskunden Aktiengesellschaft and Postbank to DB Privat- und Firmenkundenbank AG
- 2016 - 2017 DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - Chief Administration Officer PCC (Private and Commercial Clients) and PBC Banking Services GmbH - Member of the Management Board and DB Privat- und Geschäftskunden AG
- 2015 - 2016 DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - Chief Operating Officer and Chief Administration Officer PBC Banking Services and PBC Banking Services GmbH - Member of the Executive Board, responsible for the joint and central management of all units of PBC Banking Services (including the Postbank units) as well as for the global crisis management and vendor risk management of PBC Banking Services
- 2012 - 2015 DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - Chief Production Officer PBC Banking Services, responsible for performance and quality management for all PBC Banking Services units (including all service units of Postbank) as well as for global crisis management and vendor risk management of the PBC Banking Services division.
- 2010 - 2012 DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - Chief Production Officer (promoted to Managing Director in 2011) PBC Services, responsible for Central Process Management, Quality Management and the overall production management of all service units of PBC Services.
- 2008 - 2010 KEBA Gesellschaft für interne Services mbH (a subsidiary of DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT) - Member of the Management Board, responsible for Business Management, Process Management and IT Management
- 2005 - 2008 DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT - Support for various international projects in the field of retail banking (India, Turkey)
- 1997 - 2005 Deutsche Bank 24 Aktiengesellschaft - various positions in Finance and Retail Banking
Professional training
- 1995 Graduation in economics with a degree in business administration
- 1988 Completion of apprenticeship as industrial clerk
- 1986 Completion of apprenticeship as equestrian
Current Group Mandates
- Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2023 (listed on the regulated market)
- Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2023 (not listed)
Further Mandates in statutory Supervisory Boards
NoneMembership in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises
None -
Aygül Özkan
Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board Short-CV
After completing her law studies in Hamburg in 1995 and her legal clerkship in Lower Saxony with the second state examination at the end of 1997, Ms Özkan held various management positions at Deutsche Telekom AG from 1998 to 2005.
From 2005 to 2010, she was the branch manager for northern Germany for TNT Post Regioservice GmbH and set up a new unit (TNT-Post Hamburg branch) for the Dutch company in a competitive market.
In the years 2014 to 2020, she was a member of Management Group Germany und Managing Director of PCC Services GmbH der Deutschen Bank (previously trading as: DB Kredit Service GmbH). Previously, Aygül Özkan was Minister for Social Affairs, Women, Family, Health, Construction and Integration in Lower Saxony (2010-2013) and a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament in 2014.
Aygül Özkan is currently Managing Director of Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss (ZIA) e.V. and represents the leading association of the real estate industry in a wide range of political and business-oriented bodies.
Since 2022, Aygül Ökzan is a Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG (listed on the regulated market) as well as a Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG (not listed), since 2023 as Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG.
Ms Özkan also continues to practice as a licensed attorney.
Personal data
Year of birth: 1971
Resident in: Hamburg
Nationality: German
Independence: (+)Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG
First Appointment: May 24, 2022
Currently elected until: Annual General Meeting 2025
Committees of the Supervisory Board: Nomination Committee, Remuneration Control CommitteeCurrent activity
Lawyer and Managing Director Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss (ZIA) e.V.Professional background
- since 2020 Managing Director Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss (ZIA) e.V.
- 2014 – 2020 Deutsche Bank Kredit Service GmbH (from 2016 trading as: PCC Services GmbH der Deutschen Bank) – Managing Director / Member of Management Group Germany
- 2014 Member of the Lower Saxony State Parliament
- 2010 - 2013 Minister for Social Affairs, Women, Family, Health, Construction and Integration in Lower Saxony
- 2008 - 2010 Member of the Hamburg Parliament / Chairwoman of the Economic Committee
- 2005 – 2010 TNT Post Regioservice GmbH, Hamburg branch office – Branch Manager
- 2004 – 2005 Deutsche Telekom AG – Head of Business Customer Sales
- 1998 – 2003 Deutsche Telekom AG – from 1999 Key Account Manager, Regulation/Wholesale Division
Professional training
- 1997 Second state law examination
- 1995 Completion of law studies at the University of Hamburg with the first state law examination
Current Group Mandates
- Member of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO AG, Frankfurt/Main, since 2022 (listed on the regulated market)
- Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG (Member since 2022, Deputy Chairwoman since 2023) (not listed)
Further Mandates in statutory Supervisory Boards
NoneMembership in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises
- Member of the Advisory Board of the private bank Donner & Reuschel Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg (not listed)
- Member of the Advisory Board of ERIC Group GmbH, Berlin
Personal Commitment
- Member of the Board of Trustees of Konrad Adenauer Foundation
- Member of the Board of Economic Council of CDU, Hamburg Regional Association
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Lebendige Stadt Foundation
- Member of the Board of Trustees of „Haus Rissen“, Institute for International Politics and Economics
- Member of the Board of the “Hamburger Stiftung für Migranten” Foundation