Press Releases

Corporate News
Academic study shows significant cost differences in crypto trading
flatexDEGIRO achieves record result and aims for further significant Revenue and earnings growth by 2027
Study by flatexDEGIRO confirms market trends - women and younger investors are increasingly investing in securities
flatexDEGIRO sets new price and transparency standards in Ger-man crypto trading
flatexDEGIRO reaches three million customers
flatexDEGIRO continues growth in the 3rd quarter – revenue guidance slightly upgraded and earnings expectation confirmed
Mandate of BaFin’s special commissioner at flatexDEGIRO terminated
flatexDEGIRO launches share buyback program
flatexDEGIRO appoints Oliver Behrens, long-standing CEO of Morgan Stanley Europe SE, as Chief Executive Officer
flatexDEGIRO on track for record year with very solid Q2 performance
flatexDEGIRO starts into expected record year 2024 with a jump in revenues and earnings
Realignment of flatexDEGIRO AG’s Management Board
flatexDEGIRO on track for record year with very solid Q2 performance
After its second-best financial year in 2023, flatexDEGIRO is aiming for a record year in 2024
Christiane Strubel appointed to the Management Board of flatexDEGIRO AG
flatex named "Best Online Broker" by "BrokerTest" and "BrokerVergleich", DEGIRO with several international awards
flatexDEGIRO with strong revenue and earnings growth in Q3 2023
CET1 ratio to increase to over 27 % following BaFin’s approval to re-apply credit risk mitigation techniques for DEGIRO margin loans
Jens Möbitz promoted to the Management Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG
flatexDEGIRO Deputy CEO & COO, Muhamad Chahrour, to leave the company on the best of terms as of December 31, 2023
flatexDEGIRO with record level of customer assets and solid performance in H1 2023
flatexDEGIRO Annual General Meeting votes to expand the Supervisory Board
flatexDEGIRO continues growth in Q1 2023, reaching 2.5 million customer accounts
flatexDEGIRO continues profitable growth in challenging environment
flatexDEGIRO expands Management Board and specifies financial expectations for 2022
Dr. Matthias Heinrich joins Management Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG as new Chief Risk Officer
flatex becomes exclusive online brokerage partner of the police union (“Gewerkschaft der Polizei, GdP”) of North Rhine-Westphalia
flatexDEGIRO keeps its word and waives negative interest charge for clients
flatexDEGIRO with strong growth and high profitability in challenging market environment
DEGIRO to become new Main Global Partner of Sevilla FC
flatexDEGIRO concretises guidance for 2022; half-year consolidated result already expected to exceed the full-year figure for 2021
flatexDEGIRO Annual General Meeting approves all items on the agenda with a large majority
flatexDEGIRO extends sponsoring partnership with Borussia Mönchengladbach to 5 more years
flatexDEGIRO wins prestigious award: "Best Online Broker 2022”
flatexDEGIRO offers robo-advisory through partnership with Whitebox
flatexDEGIRO awarded as "Best Stockbroker" in key growth markets
flatexDEGIRO awarded as "Best Stockbroker" in key growth markets
flatexDEGIRO with record year 2021 and strong financial performance in the fourth quarter
“True Stories of Investing” – flatexDEGIRO drives financial education with high-quality documentation
flatexDEGIRO with next record year and strong growth outlook for 2022
Aygül Özkan, economic and social expert, strengthens Supervisory Board of flatexDEGIRO Bank AG
flatexDEGIRO launches its pan-European ETP offering with BNP Paribas and Société Générale to more than 2 million customers
DEGIRO retailises European Online Brokerage with zero commission trading on top US and European exchanges
flatexDEGIRO would presumably benefit from an alleged EU ban on payment for order flow (PFOF)
flatex next 3.0 improves usability and information access on Germany's most modern trading app
First security trade in space: flatexDEGIRO launches trading platform experiment on ESA satellite
flatexDEGIRO's trading platform receives special prize in the "Champions of Digital Transformation 2021" study
flatexDEGIRO executes 4-for-1 stock split
flatexDEGIRO continues blowout growth with over 500,000 new customers in six months
High interest in flatexDEGIRO placement, aiming for MDAX listing
flatexDEGIRO Annual General Meeting approves all items on the agenda with a large majority
flatexDEGIRO extends its international product offering through pan-European ETP partnerships with BNP Paribas and Goldman Sachs
flatexDEGIRO signs pan-European agreement with Tradegate to further enhance the trading offering for international customer
flatexDEGIRO announces five-year-vision: up to 8m customers and 350m transactions, resulting in over EUR 1 bn of accumulated operating cash flow
Successful merger of DeGiro B.V. into flatexDEGIRO Bank AG
flatexDEGIRO delivers excellent business development in the strongest growth year in history
Germany's largest ETF and funds savings plan offering, permanently at zero cost
February record trading day at flatexDEGIRO with 830,000 transactions
flatexDEGIRO’s record financial performance beats consensus 2020
flatexDEGIRO’s accelerated growth results in a record month and a significantly raised guidance
flatexDEGIRO AG ends record year beating management guidance
flatexDEGIRO AG to be included in the SDAX
flatexDEGIRO initiates next growth phase in Germany
flatexDEGIRO: First pan-European online broker listed in Prime Standard
flatex: Annual General Meeting approves all items on the agenda with a large majority
flatex H1 2020 pro-forma figures exceed mid-term planning, targets raised again
Steffen Jentsch promoted to the Management Board of flatex Bank AG
flatex closes transaction of acquiring 100% of DEGIRO shares
Regulator approves today flatex to acquire 100% of DEGIRO
flatex achieves preliminary record half-year results
flatex free float increases to 70%
Flatex with record half-year and three-digit growth rates
flatex becomes new main sponsor at Borussia Moenchengladbach
Uplisting in Prime Standard (SDAX listing expected) and reappointment of management until 2025
Zero losses at flatex with respect to unusual oil price movements
Stefan Armbruster joins flatex and becomes new Co-Head B2C
Best quarter ever—volatility brings absolute record growth
Flatex beats consensus and achieves record sales in 2019
Markets’ volatility provides flatex and DEGIRO with record figures in February
All-time record start into the new year for flatex and DeGiro
flatex to buy DeGiro to become Europe’s online brokerage champion
flatex AG: 68,000 new customers since beginning of year, 1 million customers as 5-year target plan
20,000 new clients met after only 12 weeks
10,000 new customers decided for the zero-fee flatex trading offering in Holland in the first 8 weeks
FinTech Group: record half-year figures, successful start in Holland, preparations for Spain market entry and increase of guidance
German online broker flatex attacks Dutch market: with zero fees and unique product offering
FinTech Group raises EBITDA margin target for 2019 from 27% to 29%
FinTech Group achieved next record year
FinTech Group becomes flatex
FinTech Group and Goldman Sachs agreed to deepen Exchange Traded Products (ETP) Partnership
FinTech Group secures EUR 20 million contract with Vall Banc
FinTech Group starts European expansion and forecasts more than EUR 138 million in revenues for 2019e
FinTech Group Bank AG accounts precautionarily for a loan loss provision
Operating KPIs of FinTech Group AG boost again in 2018
Contract of Muhamad Said Chahrour, CFO, extended
FinTech Group and Österreichische Post achieved first milestone
FinTech Group and Österreichische Post establish a 50/50 joint venture
FinTech Group AG continues to grow profitably
flatex sets new standard in leveraged trading with unique product architecture and premium partners
Annual General Meeting of FinTech Group AG agreed to the resolution proposals on the agenda with outstanding majorities
FinTech Group AG management meets guidance for the third consecutive year, 2017 net profit rises by 36% yoy
FinTech Group AG extends contract of CEO Frank Niehage
Goldman Sachs and FinTech Group establish ETP partnership
Rising Market Volatility Drives FinTech Group’s Numbers to Record Highs – Berenberg Initiates Coverage with 40 EUR Price Target
Hans Peter Peters Appointed as Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of FinTech Group Bank AG
FinTech Group secures new major international B2B contract and starts its B2C business successfully
FinTech Group: flatex allows first easy trading in Bitcoinvia flatex premium-crypto certificate
FinTech Group expects 40% growth in 2018 net profit
FinTech Group AG welcomes 200,000th flatex customer – B2C customer growth 50% higher than same period last year
FinTech Group Bank AG named “Bank of the Year” of 2017
FinTech Group wins major B2B client with Kommunalkredit Austria
FinTech Group wins Steffen Jentsch as Managing Director
FinTech Group AG Triples Net Profit in H1
FinTech Group Beats Expectations, Raises 2017 Guidance
FinTech Group introduces modular banking platform at CeBIT
FinTech Group AG increases efficiency
FinTech Group AG appoints Stephan Simmang as Chief Technology Officer
Muhamad Chahrour appointed as Board Member and CFO of FinTech Group AG
FinTech Group with positive outlook on 2017
The fintech company Zinsgold has launched in Germany
Morgan Stanley and FinTech Group AG strengthen ETP partnership
FinTech Group now controls 98% of XCOM AG’s voting rights
FinTech Group AG Reports Strong Half-Year Result
FinTech Group and Rocket Internet launch strategic technology partnership
Brexit: flatex-IT Executed Record 80,000 Trades at Full Load
FinTech Group and Finotek engage in first German-Korean fintech joint venture
FinTech Group publishes final compiled numbers for 2015
FinTech Group AG sells Aktionärsbank to Obotritia Capital KGaA and Starts Strategic Partnership
FinTech Group AG Increases Profitability
FinTech Group AG launches credit business
biw AG wird Partnerbank für Online-Vermögensverwalter Whitebox
FinTech Group AG Enters Strategic Partnership for Exchange Traded Products with Morgan Stanley
Hauck & Aufhäuser hebt das Kursziel für die FinTech Group AG auf EUR 27,00 an (zuvor EUR 21,00)
flatex gewinnt neuen Kooperationspartner ZINSPILOT
Bank biw AG gewinnt neuen Kooperationspartner AboCollect
FinTech Group AG platziert Kapitalerhöhung in Höhe von 10 Mio. EUR bei institutionellen Investoren
Mobile Payment: Bereits eine Million Euro mit kesh überwiesen
Smartphone-App kesh bietet Alternative zum Geldautomaten
FinTech Group AG erreicht 200.000 Kunden
FinTech Group AG bekräftigt Turnaround und Wachstumsstrategie mit starkem operativem Halbjahresgewinn
FinTech Group AG: Managementwechsel bei der XCOM Gruppe
Hauck & Aufhäuser erhöht Kursziel für die FinTech Group-Aktie auf EUR 21,00
FinTech Group und Commerzbank begründen langfristige Partnerschaft
SafeCharge erwirbt 5 Prozent an der FinTech Group AG
FinTech Group AG mit Turnaround im Auftaktquartal 2015
FinTech Group AG übernimmt Mehrheit an der XCOM Gruppe
FinTech Group AG geht gestärkt aus historischem Handelstag
Media Assets
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Achim Schreck
Head of IR and Corporate Communications
Mobile +49 160 92774570
Große Gallusstraße 16-18
60312 Frankfurt am Main